
To start using django-salmonella in your application all you need to do is implement SalmonellaMixin in your ModelAdmin class:

from salmonella.admin import SalmonellaMixin

class UserProfileAdmin(SalmonellaMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    salmonella_fields = ('user',)


Don’t forget to enable model admin’s for each field specified in salmonella_fields.

Customizing the value of the dynamic widget

The coolest feature of django-salmonella is the ability to customize the output of the value displayed alongside the SalmonellaIdWidget. There is a basic implementation if all you want is your object’s __unicode__ value. To change the value displayed all you need to do is implement the correct template. Django-salmonella looks for this template structure salmonella/<app>/<model>.html and salmonella/<app>/multi_<model>.html (for multi-value lookups).

For instance, if I have a blog post with a User salmonella field that I want display as Firstname Lastname, I would create the template salmonella/auth/user.html with:

<span>{{ object.0.first_name }} {{ object.0.last_name }}</span>

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